inhere meditation studio

Inhere meditation studio is moving!

UPDATE: Inhere has moved online! Reserve guided meditation classes now with meditation experts

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Lao Tzu

That’s right, a year after we started our journey to open London’s first drop-in meditation studio, we’re thrilled to tell you that we are moving to larger space in Central London. We will re-open in a few months; for an in invitation to our new home, please sign up to our newsletter.

Tuesday 20th of March was the last day of meditations at our Monument studio. We have loved our space here and it has been our first home. Alas there is only so much we can offer in a 9 seat studio. Inhere 2.0 will be more expansive, offering more variety in meditation and relaxation sessions, and more beautifully designed spaces.

While we get our new home ready, we will stay in touch to share exclusive, regular content on all Meditation Matters, including video interviews with meditation teachers, and written nuggets of wisdom!

Some of our favourite photos from Monument

And a heartfelt THANK YOU to our amazing guests, teachers and well-wishers in our first year!

Stay tuned..


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