Meditation Post

Inherestudio meditation Inhere Meditation Studio - Online Meditation Classes

Introducing Meditation Classes with guest teachers

This month we’ve launched evening meditation classes with guest teachers at Inhere meditation studio in London. We have a host of fantastic teachers each bringing their own unique styles and expertise to guide students through meditation and relaxation practices. Adiba, founder of Inhere, kickstarted the classes on 6th February, and we’ve got a great line-up …

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meditation london

Why you don’t need to stop your thoughts to meditate

One of the common frustrations we hear from guests at our London meditation studio is: “I’m not good at meditation, I find it impossible to stop my thoughts!” So we have seat, and talk it out. Our mind is programmed to think, and to go from one thought to another…to another. To stop all thinking …

Why you don’t need to stop your thoughts to meditate Read More »

meditation blog

3 Myths only a Meditation Blog can reveal

This meditation blog reveals truths about meditation you could not otherwise immediately unravel by asking Google. Here are three demystified myths about one of the decades’ increasingly popular practices.  The purpose of meditation is to silence your mind  Rather than silencing the mind, meditation can give you the ability to acknowledge and accept your thoughts, …

3 Myths only a Meditation Blog can reveal Read More »

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